We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Funding & Help With Fees

View Our Session Times & Price List

New Funding Offer from September 2024

From September 2024

15 Hours for eligible working families with a child from 9 months.

When will my child be eligible?

A child born in: If eligible, can access funding from:
July, August, September, October or November 2023 1 September
December 2023, January, February or March 2024 1 January
April, May, June 2024 1 April

Most working parents with a child 9 months and over, will be eligible for 15 hours funded childcare.

The extended hours start the term after the child turns 9 months.

Working families will receive 15 hours funding a week term time only, or 11 hours per week ‘steretched’ across the full year.

You and your partner must each expect to earn (on average) at least £167 per week (equal to 16 hours at the national minimum wage), up to £100,000 each.

You will need to apply for this funding. You will be issued a code, please share it with us.

Parents must also reconfirm their eligibility every 3 months to be able to continue claiming the working families funding. Please keep an eye on your emails for these important reminders!

Please look at the Childcare Choices website for more information.

How we offer funding at Bolitho Nursery

You can register with us for ‘Term Time only’ or ‘Full Year’ sessions, your child’s funding will be applies to match your booking.

If you choose for your child to attend ‘Term Time only’ you will receive free sessions for up to 15/30 hours a week. If your booking is for ‘Full Year’ you will receive 11/22 hours per week.

Please check our term dates available on our Term Dates Calendar to see which suits you childcare needs.

Parents must also reconfirm their eligibility every 3 months to be able to continue claiming the working families funding. Please keep an eye on your emails for these important reminders!

9 months to 2 years 11 months – working parents

Once your child turns 9 months old, working parents may be entitled to 15 hours funded childcare.

More information here

Parents must also reconfirm their eligibility every 3 months to be able to continue claiming the working families funding. Please keep an eye on your emails for these important reminders!

2 year olds

Your 2 year old could get up to 15 hours free childcare

Visit the Cornwall Council childcare page here


3 and 4 year olds

All 3 and 4 year old children are eligible for 15 hours funded childcare

More information can be found here


Additional 15 funded hours

Your may also be eligible for an additional 15 hours funding, on top of the 15 hours universal funding. This takes your weekly amount up to a maximum of 30 hours.

You will need to apply for this funding. You will be issued a code, please share it with us.

Parents must also reconfirm their eligibility every 3 months to be able to continue claiming the working families funding. Please keep an eye on your emails for these important reminders!

Tax Free Childcare

Parents must check whether they are eligible and set up an online childcare account via the Government’s Childcare Choices website.

The government will top-up the money parents pay into the account. For every £8 paid in, the government will add an extra £2 up to a maximum of £2,000 per child per year – that’s up to £500 every three months (double this amount is available to parents of disabled children).

Parents must then arrange to pay a registered childcare provider from their online childcare account. Bolitho Nursery is registered to receive payments from Tax Free Childcare accounts.

Find out more…


Working Together

We understand that the costs of childcare can be a significant amount of your monthly budget. We encourage parents to talk to us if they are in financial difficulties to see what help we can provide. Our standard invoices are calendar monthly but we can offer flexible payment options where required.

Price List

(from 1st April 2024)

Please find our Session Times and Prices below.

Half Day Sessions
0-2 years 2-3 years 3+ years
08:00-13:00 £38.75 £37.50 £35.00
13:00-17:00 £31.00 £30.00 £28.00
Full Day Sessions
0-2 years 2-3 years 3+ years
08:00-16:00 £62.00 £60.00 £56.00
08:00-17:00 £69.75 £67.50 £63.00
09:00-17:00 Not available £60.00 £56.00