We offer quality learning experiences for children.

WOW Home Learning through PLAY!

It has been wonderful to see all the activities our families have been doing at home together. Here is a little gallery to celebrate some of your home learning!

May 13, 2020

Home Learning STARS!

We have celebrated so many lovely milestones with our families during this temporary closure due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Children have taken their first steps!

Children have learnt to ride their bikes with no stabilizers!

Children have been baking (See our separate baking stars post!)

Children have made incredible progress with their speech learning lots of new words!

Children have tried new foods!

Children have been learning about the natural world in the vicinity of their homes!

Children have celebrated VE Day (See separate post!) and St George’s Day!

Children have celebrated the Easter Weekend!

Children have been on adventures through their imagination an made dragon wings!

Children have explored science experiments!

Children have made bird feeders!

Children have been planting seeds and caring for plants!

Children have celebrated First, Second, Third and Fourth birthdays!

Children have made cards and artwork for their family!



Parents and Carers have created some wonderfully imaginative and creative activities!

We want to celebrate all of your achievements!