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Tate Gallery Charity Art Competition WINNERS!

Thank you to everyone who entered the Tate Gallery Art Competition. The winners have been announced!

November 27, 2018

Tate Gallery Charity Art Competition!

There were over 700 entries to this competition!

Congratulations to those below who will have their artwork auctioned for charity at the Tate and displayed as part of a digital exhibition. If your child is mentioned below you will receive an invitation to the charity evening at the Tate! What a fantastic achievement and special occasion.

Well done to everyone who took part. Thank you for working in partnership with the nursery to create artwork with your child to support this charity. Our children entered the nursery age category and we have the following winners!


The winners are…..

First Place: Analise
Second Place: Siena

Third Place: Bethany

Highly Commended: Ella-Rose and Zenna