We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Supporting Comic Relief!

Thank you to everybody who supported our fundraising for Comic Relief on Friday 15th March!

April 10, 2019

Thank you to everybody who supported our fundraising for Comic Relief on Friday 15th March!

We raised an absolutely incredible £60.71 which we are delighted with as we had a total of 36 children in attendance today – this shows how generous you all were. THANK YOU all!

All of the children had a fantastic day toady supporting comic relief and loved having their noses painted red. Thank you to everyone who took the time to find a red outfit and bring in a donation!

The nursery was red red red!

There was a lovely atmosphere as the children joined in preparing the ingredients for baking and mixing them together, they then enjoyed decorating the buns with very comical faces! The baby room and toddler room joined together for a dance party with a Mr Tumble cd and red nose balloons and then the Early 3’s and Preschool both had dance parties too! The dance moves were brilliant!

We also had five winners from our ‘Stick the nose on Mr Tumble game’ all of whom chose a book to take home and were thrilled.

Thank you everybody for supporting this fantastic charity!