We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Healthy Movers!

Our Toddler Room have been trialling the new Healthy movers scheme and it's been a big hit!

December 19, 2019

Healthy Movers


Wow! What a term! Our Toddlers have shown some incredible listening and understanding during their new healthy movers sessions. Each fortnight they have followed a new activity card couple with a book, song and music and movement session. The children’s engagement has been astonishing! We are very proud of them and plan to roll out the Healthy Movers scheme across all rooms – with adjustments for childrens ages and stages of development.

Have you spotted our display outside of the toddler room? The activity card is up and information about the supporting activities for you.

Healthy Movers supports early years practitioners and families to develop the competence and confidence to ensure every child is physically literate.

It enables settings to incorporate physical activity into every day and engage parents on the importance of healthy active lifestyles and their contribution to a child’s development.

We will be posting our fortnightly topic card on facebook from the New Year so that you can have a go at home. It’s been lovely to hear our toddlers say ‘Is it Healthy Movers time yet?’!