We offer quality learning experiences for children.
We would like to say an enormous thank you to Newlyn School for inviting our Pre School children to visit today. The children’s behaviour was absolutely wonderful, we were so proud of them. They showed incredible listening skills and high levels of engagement with all the activities on offer. Well done everyone.
First we went on a very exciting minibus journey! The children waited patiently outside nursery for the minibus to arrive, we looked at photos of the minibus so the children knew what to expect and they were very excited when Miss Stacey pulled up alongisde us. The children climbed aboard and we helped click their seatbelts in and when asked where we were going they all shouted ‘Newlyn School!’ off we went.
When we arrived at the school we went straight to the school nursery to have a loo stop and enjoy some snack before heading out to the forest school area. The children had choice of fruit and vegetables from a platter and milk or water to drink. We then explored a few of the toys whilst we waited for everyone to have another loo stop before heading outside to explore!
Then we went to the forest school area where Mr Hickman introduced the children to the camp fire. He told us all about how to keep safe around the fire and the children repeated back to us that they weren’t to touch the fire. They showed super listening and understanding by walking single file around the outside of the fire circle to and from their seats. Well done everyone! We also practiced closing our eyes for a moment if the wind blew the fire smoke towards us, which the children did really well. Miss Stacey then read us the stick man story! The children are already familiar with the book so they were able to join in with repeated refrains and add contributions to the story. It was also lovely to see some of the children remember the makaton sign for sad when we talked about stick man feeling sad in the story.
Our first activity was looking for stick men who were hiding around the woodland area. The children went in small groups to search for the stick men, when some of them found more than one, they handed them to their friends to share them out. Well done Pre School!
After this, all the children had a clipboard each with an outline of a man on it. They took their clipboards around the area looking for natural objects to create collages of their own stickmen. The children found a range of materials to use, some of them choosing long strands of grass or plants to create hair, some of them finding small pieces of bark or seeds to use as eyes, and lots of long sticks or plants to use as arms and legs. One child selected lots of grass, covered their picture and excitedly exclained ‘it’s a green man!’ super thinking!
The wind started to blow and some of the children discovered that they could use the clip on the clipboard to help hold their materials in place, super problem solving!
We sat around the campfire again for an outdoor snack! Mr Hickman had been heating up the hot chocolate for us and he then removed the saucepan and stand to open the fire up. He demonstrated how to toast marshmallows on the campfire using the sticks. Each of the children had a go toasting a marshmallow, with support of an adult. The children remembered their earlier learnt skill of closing their eyes if the smoke came, knowing they were in safe hands with the staff member helping them. We then lifted the marshmallows off the sticks to eat them, revealing the molten insides which the children thought was brilliant! They used lots of exciting words like ‘gooey’ and ‘sticky’ as they tucked in to their treat. Some of the children had a little taste but weren’t too keen, others got wholeheartedly involved in devouring their marshmallow!
We also had a warm cup of hot chocolate, a lovely winter treat.
There was also time for the children to explore the dens that the school children had made. They showed great excitement in finding the entrances to the den and counting how many children could fit under them together! They were very kind welcoming more and more friends in to play.
We finished with a delicious lunch in the school canteen! The children each carried their lunch tray to the table where they enjoyed either:
Chicken Hot Pot, Cheese and Potato Pie, or a Jacket Potato with cheese or beans, or both! Jacket with cheese and beans was the most popular choice but all the children enjoyed their food and there were lots of empty trays at the end!
After this Miss Connolly the headteacher, came and gave each of the children a Newlyn School bear to take home with them, a Newlyn school badge and a booklet for their families. The children appeared to be thrilled with their bears and lots of them played with them when they got back to nursery, whilst others chose to safely tuck them away in their bags to make sure they made it home!
To finish our trip we walked to the minibus and took our seats again, enthusiatically singing ‘The wheels on the bus’ on the way back to nursery!
WOW! What a busy trip. Well done Pre School. This is another fantastic, posititive memory for the children to call upon when it comes to talking about starting school next year. Alongside our trip to Pensans School earlier this term, and more upcoming visits we have planned for the Spring Term.
Pre School – we are very proud of you! Thank you to Miss Stacey, Mr Hickman and Miss Connolly for a brilliant trip.