We offer quality learning experiences for children.
A group of our toddlers went for a walk in to Penzance to visit Thornes Fruit and Vegetable shop together. On the way the weather suddenly changed and the children had to shelter from quite a heavy hailstorm which added to the adventure! The change in weather didn’t deter them, they carried on to visit the shop and explore all of the fruits and vegetables on offer. The children had a picture shopping list with them so that they could find the vegetables they needed to make their soup. There were lots of colours and delicious smells in the shop for the children to explore, they even spotted Trink Milk in the fridge and the children recognised the label from our Trink milk that we have at snack time. After choosing their vegetables they carried them to the till and used money to buy them from the friendly shopkeeper. The children were very excited to share their shopping with their younger peers when they got back to nursery. Thank you to our parent helper for coming with us on this trip!
The children then used their incredible cooking skills to prep the vegetables later in the week and cooked them to make a hearty vegetable soup!