We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Our First Train Trip to St Ives!

WOW! We have a lot of fun going on our biggest adventure yet! Read more below!

June 17, 2024

Part 1: Our Train Journeys!

Our journey began with a walk from nursery to meet some of our friends who were waiting for us at the train station. When we arrived two of the children went to the ticket office to buy our tickets! The lady working in the ticket office was very kind and helpful and smiled for a photo!

Next we boarded our first train from Penzance to St Erth. The children had a drink and some of their snack on the train ride whilst enjoying the view of St Michael’s Mount and Mount’s Bay.

When we arrived at St Erth we had a little bit more than 15 minutes until our next train so we sat down to do some drawing. Most of the children chose to draw trains or what they had seen out the window such as red flowers.

After our arty break we hopped aboard the next train, which of course meant more snacks! We started to look at the book ‘Explore the seashore’ and in particular the beach treasure pages at the end. We had a go at predicting what we might find when we arrived at the beach. Whilst we were exploring these pages the children already spotted the first item out the window – a lighthouse! Well done everyone!

On the way back we did the same in reverse! The children were incredibly well behaved, they drank lots of their water, ate lots of their snack and enjoyed the view out of the window and chatted away to each other. We also stopped for another drawing session!

When we were at the train stations we talked about the platform number and listened out for the announcements about our train. The children were trying their best to remember the station names: Penzance, St Erth, Carbis Bay and St Ives!

Part 2: Art

When we were waiting at St Erth to catch the adjoining trains, we sat down to draw our experiences. The children drew some fantastic trains on the way there, and some flowers they’d seen out the window. On the way back they created lighthouses, ice cream and seagulls from our adventure!

Part 3: Beach Treasure Hunt

On the train we had been looking at the book ‘Explore the Seashore’ (Which the children had recently bought from The Edge of the World Bookshop on another trip) The children had predicted what items they may find when they got to the beach. We had a look together and marked off the beach treasure and items we could see, such as: sea, sand, spade, sailing boats, clouds, shells, seaweed, lighthouse, hat, sea gulls, sunshine. Unfortunately we didn’t see any of the other predictions the children made which included: elephants, orca whales, octopus, crabs and loggerhead turtles! Maybe next time….!


Part 4: Beach Play

The children had time to explore the beach, enjoying playing in the sand with spades together showing super teamwork with lots of laughter!

Part 5: Ice Cream

We found a shady seat to enjoy a little ice cream before getting on the train home!