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Our Bus Trip to Mousehole!

We had a very exciting morning catching the bus to Mousehole to buy a snack from the Deli and explore the harbour!

March 22, 2024

Our Trip To Mousehole on the Bus!

WOW! We are very impressed with the Pre School children who came on a bus trip to Mousehole today! They were incredibly well behaved and excited.

We started out adventure by walking down King’s Road and crossing the road at the zebra crossing to the bus stop on the other side. We waited for the bus to arrive and climbed aboard to buy our tickets from the bus driver to visit Mousehole. The children watched out the window spotting the fishing boats in Newlyn and spotting the colour of the traffic lights waiting for ‘green for go!’. The speed bumps in Alverton were very bumpy and fun! One of the children said they made their ‘teeth chatter’ whilst giggling! We all said thank you to the bus driver as we got off the bus.


Mousehole Deli & Kitchen

When we arrived at Mousehole we went to Mousehole Deli & Kitchen and bought giant sausage rolls! Terri (who runs the Deli) very kindly offered the children to choose whether they wanted a warm or cold sausage roll. We then took our sausage rolls to the harbour beach and sat together to enjoy them, they were absolutely enormous and delicious. The children also had some of their own snack too, whilst enjoying the view and asking questions about the harbour. At one point an enormous flock of birds flew over us!


Beach Treasure

Afterwards we explored the beach looking for beach treasure. We found pottery with writing on, sea glass, shells and even a tiny crab! The children explored the buouys and ropes for the boats too. We then walked round to the rockpool but the pool was empty of water today. We watched the Scillonian Ferry as it sailed out to sea and we looked in the distance to Mousehole Island and St Michael’s Mount too.


Journey Home

When our time exploring Mousehole had finished we caught the bus back to Penzance. The children found this second bus trip even more exciting! They sang ‘the wheels on the bus’ and ‘wind the bobbin up’ most of the journey back. We go off the bus beside the boating lake, saying goodbye and thank you to the bus driver again and we walked back in the sunshine to nursery. We spotted swans in the boating lake, walked past the Rugby Grounds and then up past Penlee Park before the last uphill stretch up King’s Road! A super adventure for such little legs.

Well done to all of the children. They said their favourite parts of the trip were ‘bouncing on the bus’ ‘having a giant sausage roll’ ‘seeing the island’ and ‘going to the seaside’.