We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Our Bus Trip to Marazion!

WOW! Pre School you are superstars! Such a busy afternoon adventure - Bus Trip, Play Park, Ice Cream and the Beach!

May 28, 2024

Our Bus Trip to Marazion

A small group of our Pre School children embarked on an exciting bus trip to Marazion on Friday afternoon.

The children walked together from the nursery to the bus station in Penzance where they caught the bus to Marazion. We are very lucky to be able to set off from nursery and walk to the bus station.

The bus trip was incredibly exciting! Once in Marazion the children had a wonderful time exploring the new play equipment in the play park, and enjoyed a delicious ice cream on the beach, with the view of St Michael’s Mount! Aren’t we lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world.

The children then caught the bus back to the bus station where some children were collected by their families and some children set off back to nursery (little legs were quite tired so we caught a second bus to the bottom of the road before walking up the last bit of hill to nursery!)

WOW! Pre School you are SUPER STARS! You were an absolute JOY to take on the trip and as you can see from the photos – lots of smiles all round. These trips are part of our Early Years Pupil Premium programme and topped up by the nursery, for all children they are an invaluable way to build confidence and teamwork together! Plus we learn all about paying for bus tickets (for the grown ups!) and ice creams (for the children!)

Catching the bus together.

Exploring the play park together.

Enjoying our ice creams!

Waiting at the bus stop to catch the bus home!