We offer quality learning experiences for children.
We have got so much to show you! Here is the first selection of photographs from our Museum Takeover Day at The Telepgraph Museum. The Museum will be providing us with more photographs next week.
The children’s behaviour today was absolutely impeccable. They were motivated, engaged, enthusiastic and beautifully polite throughout the morning.
The day started with the very exciting trip on the minibus! We would like to thank Heamoor School for providing the minibus and Willows Educare for providing a driver! The children took their seats and burst into song with the inevitable ‘Wheels on the bus!’ sung repeatedly throughout the journey!
The Telegraph Museum had planned the following fantastic range of activities for the children to join in with.
On arrival we were welcomed by being invited to listen to a story about the Spratt famiy, told by a Mrs Griffiths the storyteller, who was in costume to set the scene for the children.
After this we started to explore the museum exhibition are and went to look at the mural of the cable ship and the children all were given a flag to pretend to wave to the ship! (The photos are a little blurry due to the enthusiastic waving!)
We then explored a sensory area with cables that lit up, some of them made noises such as a squeak or rattle and we were able to talk through some of them. We also used archivist gloves to try and pick up some photographs.
We continued to explore the museum and the children loved the role play boat area and interactive activities on offer, such as the rocking table with a tea party set to mimic having tea at sea and the ‘pretend’ telephone that the children could hear recordings through.
The children were fascinated by the interactive board that had buttons to press and scents to smell.
We then went to the Clore Learning Space where the children were provided with a healthy variety of snacks to refuel them for more exploring!
After snack the children were given aprons to wear in preparation for some hands on activities. They discovered how to write telegrams using pre cut words to create their own A3 telegrams. There were large cables on offer for the children to interact with and they created large versions of morse code patterns using large materials such as cork mats to represent letters and numbers. The group then took part in cable printing using string, shapes and paint to create pictures, these are still drying at the Museum and will be hopefully be delivered to us next week. There was also treasure hidden in sand for the children to discover, representing the beach, they found different items hidden in the sand that they colour matched with.
We boarded the bus to return to nursery and one child was so exhasuted from all of the fun that they fell asleep! There was an excited buzz amongst all of the other children recalling their morning of adventures.
We are absolutely thrilled to be able to provide all of the children with a family ticket to visit the Museum. We really hope you all take the opportunity to use these tickets as we are certain your children will thoroughly enjoy giving you a tour of the Museum that they TOOK OVER for a morning!
Well done Pre School, we are SUPER proud of you all.