We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Our Toddlers Love Gardening!

Our Toddlers are really enjoying caring for their plants.

May 16, 2019

Our Toddlers enjoying their garden!

Our toddlers have been very busy in their garden caring for their plants. They have learnt about the importance of watering plants especially when the weather has been so bright and dry. The children take care in filling up their watering cans and carefully carrying them to the bedding areas and giving the plants a drink!

We look forward to pulling up the carrots and picking the lettuce leaves later in the summer!

It is National Children’s Gardening week over half term from 25th May – 2nd June. We wonder what gardening activities you can enjoy at home to keep active outside with your children. Great activities include pushing wheelbarrows, filling watering cans, digging with spades. What else can you think of?