We offer quality learning experiences for children.
As one of our children is going to be a big sister very shortly in the Toddler Room, I thought it would be a nice idea to explore how the children could help their mummies and daddies now and in the future. (Lots of our toddlers also already know lots about how to care for their younger siblings and showed all their wonderful care skills they have learnt at home!)
First of all the children enjoyed putting the toy babies into the high chairs and fed them with our wooden fruit – they were all super healthy and the babies ate everything up.
They made quite a bit of mess though so next we had to give them all a bath where the children gave them a lovely wash with a flannel. After wrapping them in a nice towel to dry off, I taught the children how to put a nappy on. This was quite tricky at first but after a few attempts they realised where the sticky bits were and pulled the edges over the babies tummies beautifully ensuring no leaks could occur.
The children all really enjoyed this activity and had a great understanding of what they were doing. Well done Toddlers!