We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Baking Jam Tarts with the Toddlers!

Our Toddlers have been very busy baking this week!

April 4, 2022

Baking Jam Tarts!


What fun we have had in the Toddler Room, the children seemed super excited to do some baking and together we made jam tarts. All the children independently washed their hands with soap and water before coming to sit down at the table waiting patiently for their turn. They rolled the pastry out and used the cutter to cut it out, the children said “circle” “flower” and “heart” when they saw the cutters but all opted for the circle cutter. The children had a choice of strawberry or raspberry jam and some of the children were able to say this and some were able to use pointing to communicate what they wanted. The children were very excited and happy to see the final outcome. They look and smell brilliant!