We offer quality learning experiences for children.
WOW! We are SO VERY proud of Pre School today. What a fantastic time we had visiting Newlyn School. We started the day by travelling on the minibus to the school, this was an adventure in itself!
When we arrived we started walking to the Forest School area, looking at all of the incredible play spaces that the Newlyn School children have to enjoy. Once in the forest school area we sat together in a circle to listen to Mrs Buckingham (Foundation Teacher) reading us the Stickman Story! The children joined in with lots of the story and answered questions with enthusiasm. We popped our hoods up for a quick rain shower and had a look to see if we could spot a rainbow.
After this the children explored the forest school area looking for stickmen that were hiding for them to find! They were all very excited to find the stickmen. Next we worked together in teams to create shelters for the stickmen using twigs, leaves and branches. The children showed fantastic teamwork and created super shelters for their stickmen. Whilst we were building our shelters, Mr Hickman built a fire! We joined him to sit around the fire for our snack – we had lots of fruit – watermelon, bananas and oranges.
After this we explored the ‘laser maze’ – a sheltered area set up with string going across a tunnel – the children’s challenge was to get through the maze without touching the lasers! They were wonderful, cheering each other on and waiting for their turn. There was lots of lasers that were touched (with lots of giggles!) but then Lamorna and Nova had a very clever idea of crawling on their bellies to get underneath the ‘lasers’ and lots of the other children started to copy this way of moving. Great thinking girls!
The laser maze was thirsty work so we went back to the fire circle and enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate (the milk had been warmed over the fire) and a toasted marshmallow each! Whilst we were enjoying this, there was a very quick hailstorm which was very exciting! Mrs Connolly (Newlyn Headteacher) then came and surprised us with a goody bag for each of the children! We took our goody bags back to the school where we enjoyed a delicious lunch in the school canteen. The children lined up and asked the dinner ladies what they would like (a few children couldn’t resist the roast turkey and changed their lunch choices – I hope parents don’t mind!) after enjoying our lunch we went back to nursery on the minibus.
The children were incredibly well behaved, their listening skills absolutely shone and they really impressed the teachers with their participation and engagement. Well done Pre School! You are SUPERSTARS!