We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Throughout the Spring Term our Early 3’s and Pre School children explored The Colour Monster book and we created a range of activities to further their exploration and learning.
We made our own Colour Monster jars with Pom Poms. We have been very impressed to hear how many of the children are able to recollect the emotions from the story and match them to the right colours. We have been talking about the monsters feelings being all muddled up at the beginning of the story and how we can help! The children have been sorting the pom poms in to the different jars and talking about the colours and matching feelings whilst doing so.
We have also explored how to help ourselves, and each other, feel better by finding out how we feel – whether we are sad, angry or worried. Once we know how we are feeling we can help each other to feel better.
Great teamwork everyone!
We also have colour monster jars that are full of liquid and different materials such as sequins and feathers. Each jar represents a different emotion and there are velcro labels that the children are able to take on and off to match the emotions and colours. These jars are accesible for children to explore all the time, it can be quite soothing and calming to sit and enjoy the sensory bottles, watching the items move inside as you roll and shake the bottles.
We have also been colouring in the colour monster pictures, this has helped the children recall the associated colours for each emotion that we have been exploring and learning.
We talked about what makes us feel each emotion as well. We have been trying to identify how each emotion effects our bodies and generates sensations. What our facial expressions look like and our body language.
We have been talking about initial sounds and letters, matching colours and words on sensory jars. Some of the children wrote their names on their pictures too. Great job guys.
Colouring in really helps strength hands and fingers, it allows the children to strengthen their grips, experiment with pressure on paper, and practice different pivots.
We also worked together to make giant colour monster collages that are on display in the windows of our room.