We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Pre school have been exploring lots of topics related to the story as well as learning about the characters and storyline itself.
They have explored size – relating it to the chairs, beds and porridge bowls.
They have explored healthy breakfasts and made their own porridge. The children have been sharing photographs of their breakfasts from home and comparing them and spotting similarities and differences.
They have explored our morning routines, including tooth brushing. Again – the children have shared photographs of their own toothbrushes and made comparisons. They have talked lots about parents helping them to brush their teeth, how long for and using toothpaste!
The children have learnt the initial sounds ‘p’ and ‘b’ for porridge and bear!
They have also explored emotions and feelings throughout the story. They have been imagining how the bears would feel when they find a broken chair for example. They’ve also talked about making safe choices, such as not going in to a strangers house by yourself and keeping safe on walks.
The children also learnt about polar bears, brown bears and black bears, looking on the globe to discover where they live, talking about what they eat and the differences between each breed of bear. They have been making playdough bears and also using objects to create bear faces that represent different emotions.
Alongside this they have made group crafts of the characters, created wooden chairs in the duck garden, painted brown bears using masking tape to reveal the outline, played hide and seek games with puppets, played ‘Kim’s game’ with the characters and main items in the story (a super memory game to learn the new vocabulary) created chalk and natural object drawings, made porridge, ordered items by size, sequenced the story through pictures, acted out parts of the story – and so much more!