We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Developing Our Golden Rules Together!

Our Pre School children have created their own Golden Rules!

February 18, 2022

Developing Our Golden Rules Together

We have been sharing our thoughts together on how to be kind and helpful at nursery. Together we are creating our group ‘Golden Rules’. We have lots of books to explore that help show children what it means to be kind, to share and be thoughtful and helpful. We also have photographs of how to be a kind friend, what it means to share etc on the ‘Golden Rules’ display. Each member of the group is making their own golden hand print to add to the wall as well, this gives each child a personal connection to the Golden Rules. We have been very impressed with the children’s contributions and suggestions so far. Their ideas have been added to big speech bubbles to share their voice. We will keep talking about our golden rules together and celebrate lots of acts of kindness, thoughtfulness and sharing when we see them, as it’s a wonderful way to positively promote all the wonderful and kind behaviour we see.