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The children adored taking a trip down to our local fruit and vegetable shop, where we bought some ingredients to make soup. We have been exploring lots of fruit and vegetable recently and chatting throughout the day about the importance of having a balanced diet and relating this to what they have for snack and lunch and also the benefits that a balanced diet has. For example; helping us grow, making us happy and also building our muscles which help lift heavy things.
With this we have decided to buy some food that we can use to make soup at nursery together, and the children can then try.
The children were thrilled to explore the world around them, we talked about the season being autumn and about all the leaves changing colours, the different shops we could see, all the dogs, all the food we could smell and also socialising with the people around us.
The children loved picking out the ingredients and popping them in our bag and then using the money to pay the shop keeper, a massive well done to all the children, you were amazing.
Following on from our Thornes fuit and vegetable shop trip, the following week we decided to make some yummy vegetable soup with the vegtables we bought. We tasted it later on in the day and the children said it was ‘yummy and delicious’. The children have loved exploring the different food group and what the benefits are for our bodies. For example fruit and vegetables give us lots of vitamins and energy, and food with proteins help our muscles grow. With this being a real love for them at the moment we thought we could extend this even more and make a huge hungry cataplillar where they can post food through and talk about how it would make the catapillar feel. It’s been lovely seeing how interesting the children are with learning about their body’s and trying to make their bodies feel happy, well done everyone.
We were very impressed to hear that Sunny then told his parents all about making soup at nursery and he went to Thornes with his mum and bought vegetables to use at home to make soup. Look how delicious Sunny’s soup looks! Well done Sunny!