We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Play and Learning at Home

Here you can find lots of links to exciting activities for you to explore at home.

Play and Learning at Home

We have put together links to websites that have been recomended by the government to support your children’s development at home. There are lots of very creative, quick and easy activities to try at home.  If you scroll down this page you will find “Our Families Play and Learning at Home Gallery” where you can see some of the amazing activities our families have explore together in the past.

You can also take a look at our Home Learning Bags which are available for you to borrow at anytime.

Children also take it in turns to bring home a ‘Book Sharing’ bag to share a favourite story with you.

Hungry Little Minds

Simple, fun activities for children, from newborn to five.

tart by trying some of these simple, fun activities.

You’ll find some short videos and simple, fun activities that you and your children can do together.

The activities are broken down by age, but no one knows your child better than you do.

So you could pick and choose the ideas that feel right for you, adapt the suggestions or even come up with your own. And you can use whatever language you feel most comfortable with.

Tiny Happy People

Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child’s communication skills. Explore the simple activities and play ideas and find out about their amazing early development.

You can search for fun activities and things to do with your child to help with their communication skills. Almost any daily activity is a chance to talk, bond and have fun with your child.

There are also tips and advice videos that provide advice on language learning, child development and bonding.

Plus Nursery Rhymes and Songs and much much more!

National Literacy Trust

The National Literacy Trust have a wealth of activities seperated by age catgories for you to explore on their Words for Life website!

Our Families Play and Learning at Home Gallery

Here is a gallery to show some of the fantastic activities our families enjoyed, mostly during the COVID pandemic when some families were at home more. Have a look at all these amazing activities – you might just be inspired to give one a go!

Exploring Nature!

Tuff Spot Activities!

Creative Play!

Cooking at home!

Keeping Your Children Safe Online

It’s important that as an early years settings we ensure children are learning about the world around them and how to keep themselves safe online. As there are many online resources recomended to share with you at the moment, we would like to to take this opportunity to remind you of some important online safety guidance.

Children are naturally curious in understanding the world we live in; it is our responsibility to enable them to do so, including helping them to recognise the value of technology and use it safely. Role modelling safe use of the internet should become part of our everyday practice.

Strategies to minimise risk include:
* Check apps, websites and search results before using them with children.
* Children in Early Years should always be supervised when accessing the internet.
* Ensure safety modes and filters are applied – default settings tend not to ensure a high level of privacy or security. But remember you still need to supervise children closely.
* Role model safe behaviour and privacy awareness.
* Check privacy settings to make sure personal data is not being shared inadvertently or inappropriately.

What online risks might children experience?
*Exposure to inappropriate videos. pictures or messages which might upset, worry or frighten them
*Imitating harmful or inappropriate behaviour they see online
*Searching for inappropriate content on purpose or stumbling upon it by accident. This would include using voice activated tools to search for content
*Inadvertently giving apps or websites permission to share their location or other personal information
*Spending real money via in-app or in-game purchases

Contact (who might communicate with them):
* Being abused online (including sexually) by people they don’t know, such as when gaming or using video chat
*Being abused online (including sexually) by people they know, such as friends and family members
*Sending images or information to people on the device’s contact list

Conduct (how they might behave):
*Exhibiting unhealthy behaviours and boundaries around their use of screens
*Being unkind to each other online as well as offline; this could be using mean words or by excluding others from their games
*Using words or terminology which are not appropriate for their age
*Engaging in unhealthy relationships
* As part of natural development, early years children may exhibit curiosity about their own and others’ private body parts; if this occurs via technology children may be at risk of taking inappropriate or indecent images and videos of themselves – the Brook traffic light tool can help practitioners to determine whether sexual behaviour is normal healthy sexual development or harmful behaviour which is a cause for concern.

Further details can be found in the following document that is linked below “safeguarding children and protecting professionals in early years settings: online safety guidance for practitioners.” This advice is also relevant for parents and carers.

For more information please visit The UK Safer Internet Centre website below.