We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Our Toddler staff team have been working so hard to develop our garden area and they have done an incredible job!
We are very impressed with Shona and Charleigh’s hard work in creating really exciting and engaging, new play spaces and growing areas for the children – thank you both for your enthusiasm and dedication (plus the rest of the team who have helped out too!)
We’d also like to say a huge thanks to Ellie G’s mum who created a new mud garden kitchen for us too!
The toddlers are completely enrossed in all of the learning opportunities on offer. They have been planting seeds, caring for them in their mini green house, watering them from their water butt, then transferring them in to the planting areas where they care for them further. They are exploring the textures and scents from all the herbs! So far they have planted…
Broad Beans
Orange mint
Pineapple mint
Plus a variety of small bushes!
We all know that gardens are full of mini beasts and insects – but this is a very exciting discovery when you are only 1 or 2 years old! Our toddlers have been fascinated by the mini beasts and insects they are finding. Our staff team have been extending and enhancing this interest by creating lots more engaging opportunities to explore and learn more about mini beasts. The children have been getting really hands on with the ‘toy minibeasts’ that allow them to handle and manipulate them to count their legs, look closely at their eyes, patterns, antenna, etc! The children have learnt the different between how you can look at and hold a living insect or mini beast and how this is different from handling a toy. They have been holding snails and even shown a newt! Well done children!
After exploring mini beasts on the tuff spot and in the garden, they then discovered how to move like minibeasts by listening to music and movement songs, joining in with how to wriggle, fly, crawl, slither and move in different ways! The children have also been imagining the sounds minibeasts may make and creating these! Check out your tapestry observations for the link to the song they have been exploring so you can join in at home too.
The children have been using materials in the garden to create their own homes for mini beasts, talking about what they might like to eat and where they live – in dark, warm places. They have also hung their own bug house on the fence and predicted who their new residents may be – maybe woodlice, spiders or ants? We’ll soon find out!
We are so very fortunate to have beautiful grounds to explore outside of our garden area too.