We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Our Forest Garden has evolved for Autumn.

THANK YOU to Faye for transforming our Forest Garden today!

September 20, 2024

Our Forest Garden has evolved for Autumn (a.k.a The Duck Garden!)

This garden just keeps evolving and the play and learning opportunities keep expanding. Today Faye has worked hard creating the following new areas and revamped our digging area and mud kitchen too! Pre school have been hard at work on their own projects as well. We cannot wait to see and hear the children’s play and exploration evolve as they discover all the new activities throughout the Autumn. (alongside the ducks!) An ENORMOUS thank you to Faye for her hard work today!

Revamped Mud Kitchen

Revamped Role Play Area for Gardening, Digging and ‘Camp fire’ play

NEW Painting Area

NEW Music Wall

Images coming soon. (work in progress – not quite finished!)

NEW Balance See Saw

Alongside the balancing tyres and balance beams

NEW Garden Rockery (Created by Pre School!)

Our Stepping Stone Snake

Pictures coming soon – painting in progress by the children! We’re just protecting the paint onthe stones so the winter weather doesn’t wash their decorations away.

Discovery Area

Photos coming soon – adding binoculars and magnifying glasses to the wooden bench and photo area for children to use as a viewing and discovery area!

Our Beautiful Autumn Garden