We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Making Lime Scented Playdough Pancakes!

Look at our delicious lime scented 'pancakes'!

March 1, 2022

Baking Lime Scented Pancakes for Pancake Day with our Toddlers.

The children and I made playdough this morning, they helped measure the ingredients and mixed it together (very helpful!!). We took the playdough out in the garden and used the play frying pans and used the lime scented playdough to make pretend pancakes, the children placed grass on the top for the yummy toppings. The children were able to say what toppings they have on their pancakes such as “cheese” “sugar” “chocolate” and some were also able to say that frying pans are hot. The children were all playing beautifully alongside each other and were showing a great amount of interest!