We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Our Pre School and Early 3’s went on a nature walk to collect foliage for an upcoming activity. The children really enjoyed walking down to the secret garden, each child had a “buddy” to hold hands with and they all walked really nicely up to the field and on to the secret garden. We had a run around the field playing group games togeher, before heading into the secret garden where we found lots of twigs and leaves (and more) and enjoyed playing duck duck goose. The children had lots of fun! We then took all our nature walk finds back to nursery to examine what we had found.
A few days later we developed our problem solivng skills and embraced our creatvity to create boats using the foraged leaves and twigs we collected on our walk.
The children have come up with some brilliant ideas how to make their boats, some have chosen to use the twigs to construct a raft with a leaf sail, where as others have used a leaf as the raft with a twig to attach the leaf sail. They have shown great problem solving skills in finding ways to join materials together to create these and they also worked together to create a water slide to test their boats on!
We have made some brilliant boats!