We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Skittles and Snickers the Therapy Ponies came to visit us and the care home residents.

Thank you to Collytown Therapy Ponies who visited with their miniature shetland ponies on Thursday.

December 6, 2024

Snickers and Skittles

Thank you to Collytown Therapy Ponies for visiting us on Thursday afternoon. This visit was set up with our partnership with Frances Bolitho Care Home as an additional experience for the residents and children leading up to Christmas. Skittles and Snickers even had reindeer antlers on!

The children at nursery had opportunity to meet the ponies outside before a small group of children joined the ponies inside the care home where they met the residents together. (Don’t worry – the ponies had nappies on!)

We talked to the children about using our quiet whisper voices, and gentle hands to meet the ponies. We were very impressed with how the children followed this when they met the ponies, interjected with the occasional excited shout of ‘It’s amazing!’ and ‘WOW!’

Apologies I only managed a few photos but here is a taster of the visit!