We offer quality learning experiences for children.
We raised an incredible Total of £500.47!!
This will go towards new resources for our outdoor learning.
Thank you to everyone for coming to our event, entering the bake off, buying Mr B’s delicious ice creams, donating pennies and buying lucky squares! The atmosphere was lovely and we always get lovely feedback after these family events. It’s great to hear that families enjoy spending time in their children’s rooms, meeting other families and making crafts together. Mr B’s ice cream is the talk of the nursery at the moment! I think you’ll all agree it was a real treat having the ice cream van right outside the nursery! Thank you to Nikki from Mr B’s for working so hard serving all those ice creams for everyone, Nikki also judged our Bake Off entries and chose 4 winners!
We also said goodbye to lots of our Pre School children and we are SUPER proud of them all. It was wonderful to see how proud they were of themselves as they participated with confidence at their leavers celebration.
Thank you to all of our families for supporting our nursery. It was a fantastic end to the Summer Term. Plans are underway for our next Family Craft day at Christmas! Date to be announced soon!