We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Red Nose Day!

WOW! We are so proud of everyone's support for Comic Relief today!

March 20, 2023

Supporting Comic Relief: Red Nose Day at Home!

We are so grateful for everyones support today! What a lot of fun we have had. It’s also been WONDERFUL to see families joining in with the challenge at home! We certainly have some BIG Bluey fans!

Red Nose Day at Nursery!

We have been baking red nose buns (with delicious ‘red nose’ strawberry jam fillings!)

The children have been really excited about having their noses painted red!

We have been using balloons and bean bags to see how many times we can keep them up in the air for Bluey’s Keepy Uppy challenge! Well done everyone!

There have been some super red outfits too, it’s lovely to see how excited and proud children are of wearing their special outfits for days like today.

Thank you all for your support in helping us do ‘something funny for money’ for comic relief. Our fundraising page has raised a wonderful total of £35!  Please see the back of your child’s certificate today for the QR code to donate, if you are able to, whether it’s 50p, £1 or anything at all. Or you can click on the (very long!) link below.
