We offer quality learning experiences for children.
We had to share just how incredibly proud we are of Kyan’s ongoing support for his community by regularly donating items to the food bank.
Kyan visits the food bank near his church. He takes items such as tinned food, pasta and dog food to leave in the food bank for other families to collect.
Food banks are a vital part of our communities. Please ask us if you would like any information on a food bank near to where you live – whether it’s to donate food or to benefit from the food on offer – we don’t need to know either way. The food is there to help those who need it so please do ask for information. The cost of living is impacting so many people and it is so important to ask for help during your time of need.
Kyan is learning so many wonderful values from this experience and he now often asks his parents for a tin to help the people who need it. Well done Kyan, I’m going to make sure I pop an extra tin in the collection point when I do my shop today.