We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Quick and Easy Fish Pate Snack ๐ŸŸ

Learn how to make our delcious fish pate on melba toast at home!

May 13, 2020

Fish Pate Snack!

We have had an email enquiry about one of our snacks a child is missing at nursery and they have called it ‘fish toast’ This is our fish pate on melba toast.

This is a nice and easy recipe for children to help make.

Fish Pate:

1) Scoop a whole tub of cream cheese into a bowl.
2) Add either tinned sardines or tinned mackerel (both in spring water which we drain)
3) Mix them together using a fork to squash the fish and mix it in.
4) Spread on melba toast or pitta bread.

This will make quite a lot!

The children do not seem to have a preference between sardines or mackerel.

You could add a little squeeze of lemon if you would like to but we don’t do this at nursery.

Tuna mayo sandwiches are also really popular.
Let us know if you give this a go or have any other questions about snack or lunches the children may like to try at home ๐Ÿ™‚