We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Parenting Drop In Session for our Families

We are very pleased to be offering a Parenting Drop in Session for our families.

January 18, 2023

Parenting Drop In Session

Dear Families
We are really excited to be offering a drop in session specifically for our parents to chat about the challenges of being a parent in a relaxed space. There will be top tips, advice and support too.
There was a really big response when we shared a recent online parenting course and we are really pleased to be offering this face to face session too!
Tuesday 7th February 09:00 – 10:30 @ Bolitho Nursery.
You can talk about anything, a few common topics are:
  • Potty Training
  • Fussy Eating
  • Becoming a big brother/sister
  • Sleep
  • Big emotions.
etc etc etc!
Please could you reply if you can come so that we have an idea of numbers to expect (and how many packs of biscuits to buy!)
You will be warmly welcomed by two very lovely and experienced ladies from Together for Families:
Michelle Parsons is a Family Support Worker and as part of this role she is also our Nursery Family Link Worker. Michelle can offer friendly supportive advice and can signpost you to services that may help you and your family.
Rachel Wilson-Powell is a Parenting Support Worker who runs parenting support programmes and also has a wealth of top tips from her experience and knowledge. Like Michelle, she can also suggest other places to get further advice and support as well as offering top tips on the day.
Further Specific Sessions
The people who attend the first session may help us to plan further sessions for any specific topics to be discussed further.


We look forward to welcoming you 🙂 (Please note this is for parents who have children currently attending Bolitho Nursery)