We offer quality learning experiences for children.
We have created a social story to support older children when they join us to start settling at nursery and also for children as they transition from the Toddler Room up to Pre school.
This little photo booklet, shows all the stages of arriving at nursery and getting ready to play, as well as all the play areas that our Pre School children have and the routine parts of the day. It includes things like wearing a sun hat and putting sun cream on to help prepare children for these parts of their day. This is available to all our children who join our Pre School room (including the younger Early 3’s) It can also be available for children already with us, if there is something during their day that they are unsure about. A social story can be really supportive for children through sharing it at home and nursery, sparking discussion and providing reasurance through pictures and simple sentences.
We will share this story at nursery over the Summer Term for the children who are moving from the Toddler Room to Pre School. We will also have copies available in home learning bags that families can take home to borrow and share together.
We are in the process of creating these for our younger children too. This will include photos of the staff who work in their room and what their rooms look like. Parents can look at these together at home before their children come in to settle as an addition to their settling sessions, we will also share them for children moving from the Baby Room up to our Toddler Room. We will let you know when these are available.
You can take a peek below at the Pre School Story by clicking the button to download the file! Please let us know your thoughts – is there anything else your child would like to see?