We offer quality learning experiences for children.
This is a new information and advice kine for parents in Cornwall.
Please see the info below from the following website: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/chathealth
Commencing Monday 15 January 2024, we are introducing a quick and easy way for young people and parents / carers to contact Health Visitors and School Nurses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
There will be three advice lines as follows:
Users will be able to send a message, anonymously if they wish, to Health Visiting and School Nursing to get confidential help and advice about a range of health concerns, including:
The messaging service will be available Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) from 9am to 5pm. When a message is sent to the numbers, an automated reply confirms the message has been received. A trained healthcare professional will reply to the message during office hours within 48 working hours.