We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Have you seen the NEW Neurodiversity Hub for Cornwall?

There is a wealth of information on the Hub for ALL families.

May 21, 2024

Neurodiversity Hub Cornwall

Take a peek at all of the information on the Neurodiversity Hub for Cornwall. This is a recently developed website that provides families with a wealth of information, advice and support. This has specifically been created to support families who are completeing the Neurodevelopmental Profiling Tool, but the information can be relevant to support any family. There are many categories to look through, many of which have videos or further links.

Our Nursery SENCo Kate, is trained in completing the new Neurodiversity Profiling Tool and is actively using this already to support children and their families. Kate will talk to you in the future if she thinks it’s something that could benefit your child, or she will support you to complete it together if a Heath Visitor, GP or other professional has reccomended the profiling tool is completed.

Here are all of the categories:

Here are the categories under the ‘Parent Space’

There is LOTS more to explore as well. As always – please get intouch if there is something in particular you are struggling with and we can meet to talk through and see what support and advice we can offer.