We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Children in our Toddler and Pre School rooms have been exploring oral hygeiene through teeth brushing and the importance of brushing our teeth every day, twice a day. They have been learning the different names of teeth, how important it is to clean every teeth and to clean their teeth for 2 minutes using children’s toothpaste.
Home Learning Bag
We have a home learning bag available with a book about ‘going to the dentist’ and more info if anyone would like to borrow it before their child’s dentist appointment – please let us know.
Find out more top tips and information via the following website:
Advice from the NHS: This free e-learning programme provides information and advice about children’s oral health
Access a Cornwall Council Healthy Under 5’s Presentation here:
*Did you know fact is from the above healthy Cornwall presentation.
Here are some photos of us exploring the giant teeth!