We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Firstly – WOW WOW WOW! There were some amazing world book day character costumes! The children looked very proud to be dressing up as their favourite characters and lots of them were able to tell us all about the matching books too. Some of our Pre School staff jointly dressed as ‘The Colour Monsters’ which is one of our other favourite stories at nursery.
We invited all our families to join us for a storytelling walk around our beautiful grounds as part of World Book Day. See our photo galleries below for the Baby and Toddler Walk, then our Pre School Walk.
We chose one of the children’s favourite stories in both the Toddler Room and Pre School; ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. As we explored the grounds we stopped at story stations for each part of the story.
We felt the texture of the grass on the field with our hands, it was a little bit cold and wet. The older children were able to make comparison between the ‘long’ grass in the story and the ‘short’ grass on the field, which meant we needed to use our imaginations to ‘swish swash’ our way through the pretend long grass. Then we explored water spray bottles to represent the ‘splash splosh’ of the river! The children showed super turn taking and sharing with the water bottles and there were lots of giggles! We found a little bit of squelchy squerchy mud on our walk to the trees where we pretended to ‘stumble trip’. After this we explored some bubbles and ribbons and streamers in the wind to represent the swirling, whirling snowstorm.
To finish the story we found our friendly bear ‘hiding’ in his cave, we then ran back through all of the areas before hiding under our ‘duvet’ in bed… which was actually a very large parachute which our parents held on to very tightly! The sound of the wind howling through was quite memorable! The children then sat together to enjoy their lunch picnic before returning to nursery.
Thank you to all of our families who were able to join us – there are lots more opportunities throughout the Spring and Summer term for you to join us again.
(photos coming soon)
All of the children have been given a world book day token, please take this to your nearest book shop to swap it for a FREE book! Or you can use it to get £1 off a selection of other books.
We’ll be popping in to see our friends at The Edge of The World Bookshop to redeem some tokens too!