We offer quality learning experiences for children.

VIP Celebration and ‘Summer’ Garden Party!

The Cornish Summer Weather may have been against us but that didn't stop us!

Jul 24th

Our VIP Celebration!

Getting Ready….

VIP Speeches and Awards

The Great Bolitho Bake Off

Here are some of the entries! Apologies we didn’t manage to photograph all of them – but we can tell you that they were all DELICIOUS! Congratulations to our Winners and Runners up too!

Tastiest Bake Runner Up: Cillian’s Savoury Muffins

Tastiest Bake Winner: Rhaiya’s Wormy Wonder Bake

Best Decorated Runner Up: Edith V’s Dinosaurlingo

Best Decorated Winner: Ben + Tom’s Delicious Carrot Cake

Garden Party Celebrations

It was lovely to then welcome everyone from the nursery to join us for a rather soggy but lovely garden party! Thank you all for embracing the weather and making the most of this time together as a nursery community. We were very impressed with those of you who soldiered on with the lawn games, playing tennis, swingball, archery and target practice! The queue for Mr B’s ice cream was also very impressive! Thank you to everyone for your donations for cakes and hot drinks. We raised over £100 which will go towards our next nursery celebration event.

Some of our VIP’s!

Pre School we are VERY proud of each and every one of you. We hope you could hear this in the speeches the staff wrote for you!