We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Our Ducklings First Swim!

6 Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day!

March 21, 2024

6 Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day!

Our ducklings had their first swim! We made them a ‘towel island’ so they could rest if they wanted to. The water was slightly warm for them and we made sure to dry them off and pop them straight under their heat source in their cage afterwards! The water was only shallow this time to introduce the ducks to water, their next swim will be deeper water for them to waggle their little webbed feet under the water!

We apologise the webcam hasn’t been up and running this week. We have moved the duckling in to the art room downstairs so that children and parents can visit them more freuqently to care for them, clean them out and cuddle them. (They are messy ducks who need cleaned at least 3 times a day!) The connection to the webcam doesn’t appear to be working now it’s been moved.

It’s been heartwarming to see the children and their families interact with the ducklings. If you’d like to come and visit them, please ask at drop off and we can arrange a time to see them. After 3pm -5pm is a little trickier to visit as there are usually less staff available so visiting earlier in the day is much better.

Please see your Footsteps News Feed for videos!