We offer quality learning experiences for children.
These beautiful ducks are only 9 weeks old and they have come home to nursery. We cannot thank Rachel enough for her absolute dedication and exceptional care of the ducks whilst living at her house. She has gone above and beyond to give these ducks the best start in life.
The nursery build
Their new shed bedroom for nighttime has been built at nursery, it just needs a duck sized door added now! The panels for their enclosure are almost finished and for the moment they have a temporary little enclosure so they can spend the day outside. In a few weeks their home will be complete and they will have free run from their shed to their run. We have a few other little things to finish in the garden and then it will be open for all the children to enjoy.
Can you help?
There are lots of little jobs left to do – if you can help at anytime please let us know!
We can’t thank our parent helpers enough. THANK YOU to Emily’s Dad, Pauls Mum and Dad, Teo’s Mum and Dad, Sunny’s Dad and Perci’s Mum for all their help.
RGB Builders
THANK YOU to RGB builders who have kindly donated the supplies to build the enclosure for the ducks!
Visiting the ducks
You are welcome to pop in and see the ducks – just please be aware that the area is still a ‘work in progress’ this means there is wood etc around and children will need supervised to keep them safe. Please make sure you close the gate to the garden. Please don’t open the duck enclosure itself – just say hello from outside!