We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Duck Update! They are laying eggs!

If you haven't already met them - here are Dave Hos (Dave Duck in Cornish!) Pasty and Dulip! Our 3 Peking Ducks!

September 10, 2024

Duck Update!

Meet Dave Hos (Dave Duck! in Cornish) Pasty and Dulip who were named by the children. They are very happy exploring their enclosure and have now started to explore the whole garden too! We thought we had kept 3 girls but it turns out we have two girls and a boy.

The children and ducks get on incredibly well together, the ducks waddle around looking for bugs whilst the children watch them and follow them around. They are so gentle with each other (ducks and children!) It’s really lovely to see.

We are very excited to share that we have gone FULL CICRLE with our duck care. After caring for them as eggs in their incubator, hatching them, nurturing them as ducklings and now as fully grown ducks – the ducks are laying their own eggs! This is absolutely wonderful and an amazing experience for the children to be part of.

The children now collect the eggs and we are exploring a range of cooking opportunities to use the fresh eggs. So far the children have made delicious cupcakes and quite a few fresh omelettes too! Even using our homegrown tomatoes and rosemary to add extra flavour.

THANK YOU to all of our families who have signed up to our app SPOND to care for the ducks at the weekend. Your support is greatly appreciated, we wouldn’t be able to keep the ducks without all of your generous support.