We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Look how much our ducks have grown! They are 9 weeks old now and fully feathered BIG ducks!
We cannot thank Rachel enough for caring for all 6 ducks at home for such a long time for us. Last week 3 of the ducks set off for an adventure to their new home on the Lizard Peninsula! We have split the ducks so that one drake (boy duck) and two girls have gone to a new home, and we have kept 3 girl ducks for the children to care for at nursery.
They are VERY lucky to be going to live with Buffy’s Grandad Charles (Buffy is cared for in our Toddler Room). Charles has set them up a ‘small’ area whilst they get used to their new surroundings and he is in the midst of creating an enormous enclosure for them with a swimming pool sized pond. They are very lucky to be living in such a beautiful extensive garden, being extremely well cared for. Charles assures us that he is a strict vegetarian and the ducks are very safe! He is hoping to breed them and will keep us up to date with any duck babies in the future.