We offer quality learning experiences for children.
Tuff Spots are a great activity area. The black trays have a raised lip to help keep sensory play contained on the table. The shape of the tuff tray enables children to play whilst standing up, looking at each other as they stand around the circular shape. This is a really sociable and positive way to play alongside peers who are exploring the same activity. Staff can join in with the play and role model play skills, add in exciting language and be part of the play whilst being able to make eye contact with all of the children.
Our staff make a range of tuff spots, whether it’s to explore a new sensory experience through touch or smell, or to extend play and learning around a book or nursery rhyme that we are exploring, or to focus on construction skills etc! The opportunities with a tuff spot are endless. The children like to get involved in choosing what to play with in tuff spots too. It can be lots of fun to combine items such as sensory foam with building blocks, or diggers with playdough, minibeasts with soil etc….there is no right or wrong!