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Music + Painting

Do you ever put music on whilst you paint?

January 30, 2025

Music + Painting

We love putting a relaxing instrumental song on whilst we paint. This group of children were talking about how the music makes them feel. We listened to two contrasting pieces of music, the first was fast paced, up beat, twinkly, and the children commented it was ‘happy’ ‘funny’ and ‘laughing music’. The second piece of music we listened to had a slower pace, gentler tones, and more peaceful. The children said it was ‘slow and sad’ ‘calm’ and ‘sleepy’.

They chose colours to match these feelings. We had bright oranges and yellows for the happier music, with glitter sprinkled on top. We chose blues and greens for the slower sadder music and again, glitter on top!

The children appeared very calm, we had moments of complete silence and they immersed themselves in the painting and other moments of elaborate conversation. Well done everyone!