We offer quality learning experiences for children.
We love to ‘mark make’ in a range of media and activities. Our staff so often say ‘WOW!’ when they spot magic moments of super mark making. We explore a lot of creative play in our art studio but we also ‘make marks’ throughout the nursery environment. It all starts through exploring how to create marks in foam and other materials using our hands in the baby room, we also start to use chunky grip paintbrushes and sponges to start mark making too. In the toddler room we develo our ifne motor skills further and begin mark making with a wider variety of tools, exploring lines and circles, colour and texture. In our Pre School room we are even more creative again, we mark make on a variety of surfaces, with a wide range of tools and media. We begin to create recognisable shapes and letters, we create images that represent our family and friends and we pretend to write shopping lists and notes on clipboards too!
All mark making supports children’s develop in a wide range of ways, when those marks begin to hold meaning, and children can express that meaning – we have mark making magic moments!
Look at all the fun we have! Then why not take a peek at our Art Studio News Post to see even more creativity.