Pre School have been making bug soup in the water tray! The children have practiced stirring, pouring, transporting water from pot to pot, using spoons. This activity has supported language development as the children have been listening to others, learning new bug names and by telling me what type of soup they were making using super descriptive language and the new minibeast vocabularly!
We worked as a group to add paint and glitter, to enhance the sensory experiences and create new bug soups each day.
We are enhancing this experience by looking at volume of water in the different containers and making comparisons between ‘full’ ‘half full’ and ’empty’. We have also been singing bug songs and exploring how to change the colour of the water.
I wonder what else ends up in the bug soup this week?
By wednesday we had Sycamores seeds in the mix. Today there was some lovely conflict resolution between the children, great sharing and turn taking, and they were extending and elaborating their own ideas within small groups.
On Thursday, during a group session the children thought of the ingredients we need to make a bug soup. This was great at extending their language skills and for sharing and hearing new vocabulary. What a creative and exciting recipe they created!