We offer quality learning experiences for children.
One of our children went searching for tadpoles at the weekend with her family, we shared some of her tapestry photos at circle time and she told us all about it. The children were really interested and had lots of questions so we decided to explore frogs more throughout the week.
We have been looking at books to understand key features of the life cycle of a frog. We have talked about the different stages of development and things they may eat. We also had a fun story about a little frog and the children identified familiar things and objects discussed from our previous books showing the life cycle.
We have also been singing the song ” five little specked frogs ” with our song basket. The children decided to use a member of staff’s leg as the log and took it in turns to each put a frog into the pool counting the frogs left and recognising the number on the song cards.We love singing five speckled frogs together!
We’ve had a great time learning all about tadpoles and frogs this week! Please do share any pictures if you spot any when you’re out and about too!