We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Exploring our Emotions – We feel HAPPY!

When we feel happy - we SMILE!

February 4, 2025

Exploring our emotions- we feel HAPPY!

We talk about emotions A LOT!

Adults label emotions for children such as ‘I can see you are smiling, you look happy!’ We also talk about how our actions make others feel ‘That was kind sharing, you’ve made them smile, they look happy! That makes me feel happy too!’

We look at photos of how people feel, we look at puppets to explore feelings, we match feelings together, but most importantly we label feelings ‘in the moment’ so children can make the connection between the word and how it really feels to experience that emotions.

We label ‘happiness’ ALOT!

There are so many opportunities to say to children ‘you look happy!’ and we also start to add in ‘excited’ or ‘calm’ as well. These are great emotions to explore alongside happy, some times we can feel a little too excited and it can help to do something to start to feel calm. It’s also wonderful to find lots of moments in the day to choose something ‘calming’ to make us feel happy.

The children are amazing at using this language in Pre School and the Early 3’s. This has been greatly supported by exploring the Colour Monster story.

Here are some examples from the children of what it means to feel HAPPY!

‘I feel happy when I am playing’

‘Breakfast makes me happy’

‘My friends are happy’

‘Playing wheelbarrows is happy’


‘I like dancing, that’s happy’
