We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Well done to Emma & Charleigh on their promotions!

These two ladies have just been promoted!

April 10, 2024


Charleigh and Emma have just been promoted to SENIOR Nursery Practitioners in our Baby and Toddler Rooms! They join Ellie G who is already our Pre School Senior Nursery Practitioner! Our Senior practitioners work closely with our Room Leaders to support the development in each room.

We are pleased to share that Emma (Pre School) will be moving in to the baby room to work alongside our Baby Room Leader Elizabeth. Emma has previously worked as a Baby Room Leader at another local nursery. Emma has been promoted to a Senior Nursery Practitioner for the Baby Room, which reflects her exceptional practice, expertise, caring nature and knowledge! Congratulations Emma!
We would also like to congratulate Charleigh (Toddler Room) who has been promoted to a Senior Nursery Practitioner for the Toddler Room. Charleigh will continue to support our Toddler Room Leader Shona, with her wealth of expertise, enthusiasm, creativity and knowledge. Well done Charleigh! Charleigh is also completing her Makaton training, that she will be sharing with the rest of the team once completed.
Well done to both Emma and Charleigh from all of us! Thank you for all your energry and enthusiasm that you both bring to our team!