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Supporting Helen Glover at the Olympics – Pride of Penzance!

Our Pre School children cheered on Helen Glover and her team! (Plus more!)

August 1, 2024

Helen Glover

Today our children made flags to support and cheer on Pride of Penzance – Helen Glover – and her team, as they competed in the rowing finals at the Olympics! The children are very impressed that the team secured a well deserved SILVER Olympic medal!!!

We think Helen is a true inspiration for our local community, as she achieves another enormous accomplishment, adding to her previous TWO Gold Olympic medals and multiple World Championships medals! What a fantastic local role model for our children.

The children have been singing ‘row row the boat’ out in the duck garden between decorating their flags.

Photos from THE DAY! Straight from the Olympics!

One of our parents, Lucy, was lucky enough to be there supporting her friend Helen to cheer her and her team on! Lucy kindly showed Helen the children’s support here at nursery and she was very thankful. Here are some shots of such a historic day in action! Helen you are a superstar!!