We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Our World Book Day – Story Walks and Teddy Bear Picnics!


March 6, 2023

Our World Book Day

WOW! What a busy day!

Here are a mix of photos and videos from the Babies and Toddlers Story Walk and pincic, and the Pre School picnic and Story Walk too!

It’s been WONDERFUL to see lots of children (and staff!) all dressed up as book characters today. It’s a brilliant way to bring stories alive!

Our Babies and Toddlers went on a Story Walk first – we told the story as we walked through the trees to the field and then down to the secret garden.

We used our imagination to go through the long wavy grass, SWISHY SWASHY! A deep, cold river, SPLASH SPLOSH! Thick oozy mud, SQUELCH SQUERCH! A big dark forest, STUMBLE TRIP! A Swirling whirling snowstorm, HOOO WOOO! and then we TIP TOED to the cave where we found a BEAR!!! We then hid under the covers!

The Babies and Toddlers then enjoyed their picnic snack with their teddies.

Pre School had their teddy bears picnic first and read the story together with their teddies! We then went on a story walk and they showed off their SUPER listening skills by retelling the story on the way, joining in with brilliant actions to the different parts of the story and using their incredible IMAGINATIONS to bring the story to life! It was wonderful to see them remembering so many words and sounds from the story on the walk and afterwards in their play too. WELL DONE PRE SCHOOL!