We offer quality learning experiences for children.

Coronation Celebrations !

On Tuesday 9th May we held our Coronation Celebrations at Nursery and with Frances Bolitho Care Home!

May 9, 2023

Our Baby Room and Toddler Room Coronation Celebration

It was lovely to join our babies and toddlers together for a coronation snack on Tuesday morning. The children were very excited to wear their crowns that they had made and also to wave their flags! We looked carefully at our special cups to find the crown on the decoration too! We talked lots about seeing the King on the television at the weekend.

Pre School and Frances Bolitho Afternoon Tea

Our Pre School children were invited over to Frances Bolitho Care Home to join the residents for a special Coronation Afternoon Tea! The children and residents looked wonderful in their Coronation Crowns and had a brilliant time talking about the Coronation Celebrations they had seen over the weekend on the television or taken part in locally. The residents very kindly judged our Coronation Cupcake Competition too – crowning the winners for ‘Best Theme’ ‘Best Design’ and ‘Tastiest Cupcake’! Well done to all of our winners who went home with a certificate and a book prize! All of our entries took home a certificate for taking part. Entries can be seen on a separate post!